Advanced Upholstery & Furniture Cleaning San Diego Services

Upholstery furniture Cleaning san diego

Furniture Cleaning San Diego Services for 35+ Years!

Bob’s Carpet Care, Inc provides upholstery & furniture cleaning San Diego strategy which can clean almost any type of fiber, synthetics or natural. We carry a variety of effective cleaning procedures for upholstery. After testing the fabric for colorfastness, we will determine exactly how your piece should be cleaned. The fabric is pre-vacuumed, pre-treated, and rinsed with our very low moisture method (dries in just 2 hrs).

Dri-Steam Upholstery cleaning san diego tool

Our company trucks carry a wide variety of pre-conditioners and the tools needed to perform the proper cleaning. Our trained technicians are some of the best upholstery cleaners in the state of California and with 35+ years experience in the industry, there really is no substitute for experience.


Dri-Steam, New Patented Technology

You can trust Bob’s Carpet Care with your favorite piece of furniture. With our Advanced Plus cleaning system featuring our new dry steam upholstery cleaning tool, Bob’s Carpet Care gives furniture (that are usually dry-cleaning only) a gentle, yet deep clean that is dry and ready to sit on in less than 2 hours. Our team has over 35 years of experience cleaning all types of fabrics.

upholstery cleaning san diego

Using a variety of effective cleaning processes for upholstery, we can clean almost any kind of upholstery fiber: synthetic or natural. Once we color test, vacuum and pre-treated the upholstery fabric, it is then rinsed with our ultra low moisture, high-flow super cleaning system. Using a hypervelocity fluid stream, this new tool shears away soil without over-wetting or over-spray. High flow Jetless Cleaning Technology leaves the fabric cleaner and 50% drier than conventional methods. Watch the video to learn more.

Upholstery & Furniture Cleaning San Diego Prices

Upholstery Cleaning

$20.00 per linear foot

Advanced Technology


Fabrics Dry in

1 - 2 hours

Skilled Technicians

35+ Years experience